Prices and Services
Surgeries are performed by skilled and licensed veterinarians for dogs and cats 3 months old and weigh at least 3 lbs.
All patients over 4 months of age are required to have an up-to-date rabies vaccine.
Must have a valid rabies certificate or a rabies vaccine will be given at the time of surgery.
Price includes pain medication.
Bloodwork may be required If your pet is over a certain age/weight.
Dogs (Male or Female)
0-25 lbs $110
26-50 lbs $145
51-75 lbs $170
76-100 lbs $200
Additional fees for - Brachycephalic breeds, and cryptorchid (must have one testicle visible).
Cats (Must be in individual carriers)
Females $75
Males $60
Feral/Community Cat $55 - ONLY for cats that live outside . Must be in trap or transfer cage
(Surgery, rabies/FVRCP, ear tip and dewormer)
Other Services
Vaccinations and all other services are offered at the time of surgery only.
Microchip - $25
Rabies - $15
Other Vaccines (Dogs: DHPP| Cats: FVRCP) - $15
Feline Leukemia/FIV Test - $35
Nail Trim - $10
Umbilical Hernia Repair - $50 (reducible only)
Heartworm Test includes Lyme, Ehrlichia, and Anaplasmosis testing - $35
Heartworm Preventative (6 months)* - $35 (<25lbs) | $45 (26-50lbs) | $55 (51-100lbs)
*Must be under 7 months old or have the test performed the day of surgery.
Generic Cat Revolution (Revolt) 6 months - $50 1 month - $15
Generic K9 Advantix (Provecta Advanced) 4 month supply - $35